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Look at the birdie on the top right. OK there's no birdie but that bar is where you can:
1. Preview how your site will look online.
2. Save (we recommend you do this regularly, even at the risk of sounding like your Mom.)
3. Publish your site online when you're ready.
4. Access our help center anytime.


LEGAL DISCLAIMER: By choosing to Contact the Naptown and White River Model Railroad Club ("Club"), you are giving us consent to save your contact info and for us to in turn contact you. We reserve the right to save your information for our mail list should we deem it applicable.  We reserve the right to record location and Site Usage data to better understand how the Club and Website is being viewed. We will NOT sell or otherwise disseminate that information to our Members outside of those responsible for the above listed actions, or to our Show Dealers, Vendors, or to associated Parties, nor will the Club provide the above information to other Organizations.  

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