Now Proudly an Active 501c3 Organization!

PO Box 2645
Indianapolis, IN 46206
(317) 643-0779

Come Join Us!
We're always glad to have more members! To join, simply fill out the form below, and bring it to the Clubhouse to begin your Probationary Period. Probationary Members will be required to attend (2) Meetings, (2) Operating Sessions, and (3) work nights (Mondays or Thursdays) We'll use this time to get to know you and see what you want to learn. After that time, the Membership will formally vote you in.
the Probationary Dues are 20/mo.
Membership dues are $40/mo, payable in monthly, quartlerly, or annually.
All Dues are payable Cash, Check, or Credit Card in person,, or via Paypal. As we are a 501c3, Dues Paid are Tax Deductible.